Find the answer to the most frequently asked questions about Photo Pass

About Photo

In all ours Parks you will get pictures with the best angles at each of the attractions, plus the Fantastic Scenarios. You’ll bring back home a terrific souvenir of your visit.

By purchasing your photo package, you will get all the pictures you and all the members of your family or group of friends. Just enjoy the outstanding photographs of your visit.

You will find dozens of automatic Xelfie Points that are strategically placed all along the park to get the best pictures of your visit. Leave all your personal belongings in your locker and focus on having a great time and taking as many photos as you want.

How does it work?

When purchasing the Photo Pass product, visitors to the parks and tours by Grupo Xcaret can use all the AutoPhoto points at the park(s), the pictures by photographers (including recreational activities), or both. Also, they can take all the photographs they want and download those same pictures afterward, at a convenient price.

Terms of use:

For prices provided on this page, you need to purchase before visiting the park(s) or tour(s).

The product is available to purchase at least 24 hours before you visit the park or tour. Prices contemplate the number of people (PAX) and the number of purchased parks. If you buy the 'PHOTO PASS', it applies only for the Xcaret, Xplor, Xplor Fuego, Xel-Há, Xoximilco, Xenses, and Xavage parks, plus the Xenotes Tour.

Does not apply for guests at Xcaret Hotels (Hotel Xcaret México, Hotel Xcaret Arte and Casa de la Playa). The use of the Photo Pass is valid only the day of the visit, and it is not cancelable nor refundable.

It does not include photographs of dolphin’s activities, Photo Drone, Photo Xunset, or archaeological sites. If the package includes a visit to a park and an archaeological zone, the photographs will be only at the park.

To valid the service, it is mandatory to print the coupon provided at the end of the purchase and show it at your arrival at the park at the photography area or at the moment of boarding the tour’s transportation.


The photo package includes service for the parks and tours chosen by the client at the moment of purchase, considering the number of visitors and the number of parks on its selection.

How long is the photo/video download code available?

The download code is valid for 30 calendar days from the date of purchase.

How do I find and download the photos from the website?

  1. Enter your download code.
  2. A list of the albums that are included in your package will be displayed.
  3. Select the album you want to see and the photos will be displayed on the screen, download by clicking on the icon, or click on the icon to download the entire album.

How many times can I download my photos with my download code?

You can download as many times as you need to while the code is valid.

What types of files are the photos that are downloaded?

Each photo downloaded is a JPG file, and the videos are MP4.

Are the downloaded files of high quality?

Yes. They are encoded directly from cameras with high resolution.

Can I download to my mobile device?

Yes. The file is downloaded to the device, although it opens in a new window and you will have to click on the image to save the photo, we recommend that it be done on a computer or in the application: App Xcaret.

Can I buy the photos after my visit?

Yes, you can contact the photography customer service center

Within Mexico. 800 006 FOTO (3686)

Outside Mexico. (01152) 55 4163 7327

If you visited our Parks: foto@xcaret.com

If you visited our Xcaret Hotels: fotohoteles@xcaret.com

Operating hours: Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 19:00 Hours.

Operating hours: Saturday to Sunday from 09:00 to 15:00 Hours.

You must have at hand your bracelets, the number of your helmet, and the date of your visit.

What happens if I forgot my download code?

No problem! We can provide it to you if you have your purchase receipt. Contact us at: In Mexico 800 006 FOTO (3686) / From abroad (01152) 55 4163 7327 or write to foto@xcaret.com. Operating hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 19:00 Hours. Saturday to Sunday from 9:00 to 15:00 Hours.

Is there any type of refund and/or cancellation?

Due to the nature of the product we offer, you always have the possibility to view the photos. prior to purchase, so once the purchase is made there is no possibility to grant refunds or cancellations of any kind.

I want to purchase my dolphin experience photographs. I went to the park and couldn’t buy them. How can I get them?

To purchase the photos the site is: https://www.photodelphinus.com or phone +52 (998) 898 1900 ext 1259, WhatsApp: +52 (998) 845 7705 (https://wa.link/ewr6vf), or email: photo@delphinus.com.mx.