Enjoy a real vacation!

How to identify fake offers?
The most attractive option is not always the safest

How to identify suspicious agencies?
Just pay attention to these 5 suggestions:
Look for recent reviews from users who have had experience with social networks or by searching the agency on Google
Check if there are any complaints from the agency in PROFECO through: https://www.gob.mx/profeco
Check if the agency is in the National Tourism Registry. Registration is valid for 2 years
Don't pay if it is in the name of a natural person or a debit card number. Make sure that the name of the bank is recognized
Verify the purchase receipt. It must contain the name of the company, sometimes it may say Grupo Xcaret, but the account comes in the name of a person or card data

Tips to make a safe purchase

Xcaret | Compra segura
Do not share personal data such as usernames and passwords
Xcaret | Compra segura
Check agency promotions on our official websites
Xcaret | Compra segura
Request the contract before buying
Xcaret | Compra segura
Make sure that the visited page always starts with the https protocol. This indicates that our personal information is protected
Xcaret | Compra segura
Know our official means of communication! In them, we guarantee a safe purchase experience

Official website: www.xcaret.com
Contact center: 998-883-31-43
Xcaret | Compra segura
The most trusted place to shop online… Will always be the official site!

Write correctly the URL of the website to guarantee the security of your investment, and verify letter by letter that it is correct: X-C-A-R-E-T. C-O-M

Fake sites will never be able to match it 100%. They will always have variations Identify it, and you can ensure the validity of the platform

Recognize a verified account with some easy steps!

Is it safe to buy on a verified account?